Sunday 27 July 2014

To remove or not to remove a tree in your backyard depends on whether it is dangerous or not. The main thing that you will be looking for is whether or not the tree is a risk to your safety and to your property. Falling branches can occur at any time when the strength of the tree is weakened due to age, and not just during a storm like most people assume, and when the tree is weak is when you will need to consider a Quality Tree Removal Business in Melbourne. Over time, all trees will age and eventually die and they will need to be removed before they begin to decay. The trick is to tell when is the ideal time. To do this, there are three key areas that you can examine. 
First of all, take a few steps back so that you can get a sense of the health of your tree as a whole. Do the branches seem to be sagging, or is the whole tree slanting to one side? Lean can be natural, but if it is triggered quite suddenly, this could be cause for concern. If you're not sure whether your tree was always leaning, or it is something new, you might want to call your local tree doctor.  Think of the damage that a toppled tree could cause. 
Once you've assessed the tree from a distance, you will want to step closer and look a bit more thoroughly. Specifically, cast your eyes to the ground and examine the base of the tree. The roots are like the veins of the tree, and can give you some valuable insight into the state of its health.  Decaying or rotting roots is a big red flag. Also try to determine if some roots are higher than others. If the roots on one side are actually out of the ground, then this could be due to the weight of the tree leaning to one side literally pulling them out of the ground. This is a slow and often unnoticeable process until the tipping point, where the whole tree comes crashing down. Any sawdust at the roots will also let you know that termites and other insects might be to blame.  
Finally, inspect the tree's truck for any hollows or splits. This will suggest that it is not competely solid and therefore not structurally sound. Cavaties can be perfectly normal, but they can also suggest when a tree has been infected with a disease. A qualified arborist can tell the difference that may not be obvious to the untrained eye. Size plays a big part in this. A hole with a diametre that is less that 25% of the circumference of the tree is generally safe. For example, if the hole measures 30 cm across, then you will want the distance around the trunk at that point to be at least 120 cm. Of course, the depth will also have an impact, so a professional is a good idea.  
Once you have decided to remove, there are still some important considerations. Acquire a permit form your local council and consult a trusted arborist. Even dead or dying trees can be home to animals and other plant life, so you must try to make as little of an impact as possible by removing your tree. A professional can also conduct a canopy inspection to confirm any suspicions. Contact the most responsible Tree Removal Service in Melbourne at and ask the Pro Cut Tree Services team members for their expertise.


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